It's been a minute my dear blog followers, however many of you there are??? Life has been...hectic, chaotic, depressing, challenging...the list can go on and on. A lot has happened in the last three months, yeah it's been that long since I've posted anything. The inner journalist in me has been dying to come out so I find myself sitting in the basement, white claw in hand penning some thoughts for the world to read. 2020, it's truly the year that none of us will ever soon forget. It's been a glorious year in some ways at least for me thanks to the birth of my now 3 month old daughter who has forever stolen my heart! And in other ways it's been the worst year of most of our lives.
Covid, covid, covid. It's the word of not just 2020 but the word of forever if that makes any sense to you guys. It has forever altered our daily lives in every which way and it's hard to see the light at this very ever -lasting tunnel. Not to mention we just had an election that will go down in history for numerous reasons. I'm not here to get political or talk about how Covid in great detail but since it's been a while, there are certainly some things I need to get off my chest.
This Presidential election was fascinating to watch unfold. I for one, did my part and submitted my mail-in ballot which was hopefully correctly counted :) and like most people sat in front of my TV and watched CNN for the next several days waiting for the numerous projections and just riveted watching Wolf & John go over the states. I'm not going to say who I voted for, pretty obvious if you know me but I'm truly hoping that Biden can restore some grace & dignity to this country after you know who has made a complete and utter mockery of what it means to be the Leader of the Free world. Did he do some good things during his time in office, yeah I guess, but the way he has carried himself these last what 10-14 days has been nothing short of disgraceful and down right disgusting.
You've lost, accept it and let's move on with all of our daily lives, yourself included. That's the last thing I'll say about that. I hope that real change comes over the next 4 years I really do. I like most of us hope for a safer and brighter tomorrow, great health care and most importantly a return to normalcy and the end of this pandemic. I don't pretend to know the answer to this pandemic as I've stated on my Facebook page before, and quite honestly neither do the so called experts but with a promising vaccine on the horizon, some of darkness might finally start to giveaway to some rays of hope.
This pandemic has shown me the good in some, but the selfishness in most. By this I mean, it's truly disgusting to me that people like to blame our state officials for hindering their freedoms, but are you kidding me? It's people who are the problem during this pandemic and the fact that they just can't put aside simple pleasures, wear a fucking mask & do their part. Working in the service industry during this time has made me almost develop a hatred for people, I'm not going to lie. I've thought about keeping that last point to myself but it's nice to put it into legit thoughts. The number of times people come into the establishment not wearing a mask and acting dumb founded by it was truly astronomical. Are you just that fucking stupid, arrogant or perhaps selfish?
People showed that they just don't give a shit so when it came time to tell people to wear a mask, I in turn didn't give a shit either. Look, I'm trying to keep my family safe & that comes above anyone or anything and just wish others could wear a mask instead of saying it's impacting their freedom...give me a freaking break! I hate the fact that I'm not seeing friends, going to the movies or whatever. I'm following the rules and trying to do my part but when I hear others are still going out, businesses are staying open, having people over at their home it makes me angry. It's part of the problem & not the solution. I don't wish for anyone to have to close a business down or worse get this virus...yes I know the recovery rate is great but for some it's not and why risk it, that's my thinking in this. I find myself at times asking myself am I insane, am I becoming too recluse that I need to venture out and I sometimes want to say yes but then when my daughter looks at me and gives me the smiles it's in that moment that I'm reminded this is why I wear a mask and sanitize my hands like crazy.
Don't get me wrong, I hate, I mean hate the fact that my 3 year old son hasn't had a normal year but so have a ton of other kids. I'm thankful beyond belief that he's so small and will have no memory of this when he's older other then learning about it in school one day cause my heart literally breaks for him. People have said, oh you can still do things with him and blah blah blah but it's not worth the risk of him possibly getting this or worse his baby sister. It's been tough at times for me to keep my mouth shut watching others go out and about and do things but it's not my place. Again, everyone has their comfort levels and they are entitled to them, but people need to start to listen to health experts and stay home so we can beat this thing. Support small locally owned businesses, I for one will not be supporting anyone who chooses to remain open during this when they shouldn't be but that's just me.
With Thanksgiving just around the corner I only fear this is going to get much worse before it gets better because yet again, people won't listen and just go out and about like nothing is going on and ruin it for those who may be sick or are just trying to keep their loved ones safe & healthy. Man does it feel good to be writing again. It's a skill that I miss putting to use on a daily basis like I did back in the day. There are times where I wish I could go back in time and change my major but in the end, I like to believe things work out the way they are supposed to.
With the holiday's around the corner, I just hope everyone can take a step back and really think to themselves long and hard- what's most important to them this year. We've all been through the mill and back and I really want to believe 2021 is going to be amazing for so many reasons but we're not there yet. We're all never going to agree with one another and that's fine and dandy, but to see the negativity on a daily basis has turned the good in all of us sour. There is so much hate in the world it's hard not to cave into that darkness at times. Blaming others for the mistakes of the many is very hard to do. It's such a toxic world we live in and I truly like I said earlier am fortunate that my two small kids are just that, small & will not know what transpired during these last several months.
All I want this holiday season is to give my family the best Christmas possible by doing it the safest way possible. That might mean not seeing family, going places but that's ok. There will be future holidays & times to get together but right now, we all need to do our part. For those of you who actually read this I'm grateful. This isn't to start a back and forth debate, this is just my platform that helps me unwind after months of being consumed by the darkness....
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