I sit here alone on the couch this evening wondering about the past. It hit me in all honesty while watching a video on Youtube of all places. That said video, The Final Table Read of the final episode of The Big Bang Theory!
It may seem silly to some of you, if not most of you, but not to me. I've always had a passion for the world of Television/Movies- the Entertainment Industry! Not just being lazy and sitting on my ass watching it, but the inner workings and the behind the scenes stuff. Quite often I would fantasize about being a writer on one of television's biggest shows or who knows a producer on a big budget Hollywood film, but living here in Illinois, I sadly realize that dream will never come true.
My love for the industry def hasn't diminished and I love knowing what is going on behind the scenes of the next Marvel movie or reading rumor boards, not spoiler boards, yes there is a difference about whose being eyed for the next big blockbuster that won't hit movie screens for another year or two. I've had this lingering feeling inside of me lately that just won't go away, almost like a voice inside my head telling me maybe it's time. Time to see if something could become of that but Illinois isn't where the action is sadly and it's kind of depressing, almost like letting air out of a balloon and watching a small child cry.
I look at my Bachelor's Degree in Journalism often and think- what could of been? I was a good writer, hell still am when I wanna put my mind to a topic of importance to me, and now it's like the degree is just gathering dust. Sure I use my writing skills every once in a while for work, but in no way is it the same. The dream was like I said in a recent blog- to have a radio or podcast with my brother from another mother, my PIC- Brendan. Or to be a well respected entertainment writer or movie critic.
Starting this blog has been a muse to me and has allowed me to vent, share my feelings and personal happenings going on in my life right now and I'm grateful to all of those who have stopped to read what I write cause quite honestly, you don't have too. This blog has led me to want to start doing more as well to help ease the voice inside my head, so I think I want to look into starting a Podcast. The Podcast would be the same sort of template that this blog is, but on it, I'd like to bring on friends or whomever really to talk about anything and everything.
Now I don't know the first thing about starting a Podcast, so some research would have to be done, but I think it's a path that I may start stumbling upon in the coming days or weeks. Not like I have a tight schedule ahead...#10weekstobaby2 oh wait...
So that's where I'm at tonight. It's funny how a video, a pointless video to some, can have a deeper fire reigniting meaning to others...
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