I have to admit, at one point today, I was full of anger. I've been consumed by stress lately! From work, Bama's situation & the daily ongoings with this coronavirus, I sometimes forget to actually enjoy life. Feels good to kind of put that out into the atmosphere today as this blog has become my way to unload stress and speak my mind to those who care to read this blog!
To begin the day I had to go to Target for groceries and it's just crazy how long of a process it now has become from start to finish but I've talked about that before. So after working very long hours this past weekend, it was such a relief to have the day with my son. Hearing him say things now like, "Dada I don't want you to go to work" or 'Dada I missed you' it does really put things into perspective.
So today I'm in the kitchen, it's late morning and I notice the house is eerily quiet. I go downstairs to see he's not on the couch, or playing, but he's in the bathroom going potty without announcing to me he has to go! I'm like 'WTF' what is going on here. I run down there for fear he is literally peeing all over the bathroom floor, but no. There he is, with his pants and underwear mostly down and he's sitting on his big boy potty as I call it, peeing. I was like amazed by this, cause for the last few months of hardcore training he has always announced he has to go and today was the first day where that didn't happen.
I thought this could be just a one time fluke, but then it happened again and again throughout the day. Hence the title of this blog, we still couldn't quite manage the full aspect of pulling ones pants all the way down and the back of his pants would become just a little wet hence requiring a change of clothes (several times today). What made me want to write about this today was just how someone so small out of no where just change and do this all by himself. As a first time father, it's so rewarding to see it pay off and see that yeah, he's growing up before my eyes.
If this quarantine is going to teach me anything besides a new self cleaning regimen, it's that sometimes I need to turn off the news, put my phone down and realize that I have the coolest little mini me 3 year old and to enjoy every second I have with him. Him asking me to come watch the same episode of Bubble Guppies for the 10th time melts my heart and I'll always sit next to my favorite buddy no matter what. I love you buddy and thank you for always showing me what really matters in my life and that's you. I can't wait to see what you do next!
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