Monday, April 13, 2020

A state of haze...

First off, hope everyone had a Happy Easter yesterday! Was it weird for everyone else like it was for me? Meaning- it just didn't feel like a holiday and it was almost weird to celebrate anything with the current state we find ourselves in. For me, it was like I spent the day in almost a state of haze. Unable to see family members I'm used to seeing, not getting to see my son spend time running around like a nut with his just didn't feel like the norm and it put a damper on the day.

 Now I know, things aren't status quo right now and let's face it, they won't return that way for the foreseeable future and let's admit it- it's scary! While we're all glued to the news day in and day out, and the so called experts are cautiously optimistic that the peak may be near and we may see a downward trend in cases/deaths, the skeptic in me isn't so sure. I for one can't see the stay at home ending come April 30th and I do believe it will be extended into May and I'm alright with that, truly I am.

This state, and that's all I'm going to talk about here, cause it's the state we're all living in, shouldn't reopen until we know it's safe. I know it's not the popular opinion that a lot of people share, but it's mine. I know the economy is hurting, I know people's pockets are hurting but the government needs to put the safety of it's inhabitants first and foremost. I know it's a decision that doesn't come lightly, but it's the right one, and is certainly one I wouldn't even blink at if I was in charge.

 The next big holiday on the calendar is Mother's Day and what's that going to be like? Will we be allowed to gather? Will I feel comfortable gathering w/ family? The answers to those questions, I don't know yet. Again, I'm not like the normal person as I have to think about my son and my pregnant wife before my own wants/needs & I'm ok with that. I've gotten my self sterilization technique down to a science over the past few weeks. My hands are so cracked I have the proof to back it up.

 Reading various news articles has become a daily occurrence and some experts are saying we might not get back to normal all the way until 2022. To quote one of my favorite lines in Avengers Endgame: "Whatever it takes." We can't risk a second wave of this stuff only to find ourselves again practicing social distancing or even something more extreme like Marshal Law.

 I wish there was a way we could look ahead and see what it's going to be like one month from now to a year from now! What businesses will be gone, will your favorite local eatery survive, it's a scary time. Sadly the crystal ball like this world right now is in a state of haze!

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What a day..

Wow, has it really been since November since I've posted something? Forgive me friends as the holidays took over & my focus was else...