I've been sitting back the last few days just watching the news, reading articles & seeing how disgusting some people are in today's world. Some of you may not like what I'm about to say, while some of you might, truth be told..I don't care. Start a blog and speak up cause that's what I'm doing.
I am so sick and tired of hearing people complain about this stay at home order! Cue the world's smallest violin! Oh you can't go to the beach? Oh you can't go to a concert? Oh you can't do this or you can't do that? Need I go on? Shut your mouth because you want to know what's more important than all of that- someone is losing someone to this disease and they aren't getting that person back! This virus is killing people left and right and if one more person says these numbers are fabricated, or that this is all a hoax, I may lose my shit.
The selfishness I've seen in people truly reaffirms what I've thought for years- the people in this world (some not all) truly suck and are despicable. I for one, haven't lost anybody due to this Virus, but you know what I just fucking buried my grandmother and my own fucking wife couldn't be by my side due the severity of this virus, and you still wanna talk to me about reopening businesses? This virus isn't a joke and the fact that so many people are treating it as such is truly repulsive. People of all ages are dying not just older citizens w/ pre-existing health conditions.
Some of you have called me extreme during this and while that's your opinion, there are words I'd like to call some of you- irresponsible! I'm doing what I do day in and day out to keep my family safe and I'll be damned if some stupid ass hole is going to jeopardize my families health cause you wanna go out and party! Grow the fuck up and shut the hell up!
Priority is a funny word to me, cause for some it means something as it does to me, but for others, well they are stuck at 21 or younger when they are around my age of 33. What do you got to show for it huh? Oh you got fucked up at a party last week---congratulations you're so cool! (Sarcasm)
I keep hearing during this pandemic that it's supposed to unite all of us, but I'm sorry, I am not seeing it. People are ignoring the law of this stay at home order, and it's disturbing! Let's beat this thing together and the sooner we can do all of that, hopefully the sooner it'll all be over.
If you haven't already guessed, I'm all for this stay at home order and I know I'm not alone, even though sometimes I feel as if I am, that our Governor is doing a tremendous job, and I'd like to see one of his ass hole critics or one of our stupid Illinois citizens do better! He is putting lives first and I stand up for him and applaud him! People say I'd think differently if I didn't have a pregnant wife or young child at home, but you know what..I'd have the same mentality.
Yeah it sucks businesses are closing and people are on hard times, but when you hear about people blowing their bail out money on useless crap, you'll get no sympathy for me. I sometimes feel like I'm 33 going on 63 due to how I view the world but you know what, I think the world and it's inhabitants could use a little bit more of my style of thinking.
I was going to say I'm sorry if this post offends anybody but I'm not going too. This world is full of so much negativity and those who like to hide behind a computer and attack people in power like our Governor, so no, there won't be any apology.
Guess I wasn't at a loss for words after all..
Thank you for saying it !!! I wish I could scream it from my porch!
ReplyDeleteAmen Ronda!