Sunday, May 31, 2020

The World is Ugly...

I've been debating whether or not I should interject my thoughts on this whole riot situation and after waking up to the news this morning and seeing nothing but devastation and chaos, I'm going to offer my two cents.

What happened to George Floyd is inexcusable and shouldn't be tolerated and justice will come for those criminals who did that to him, but what is going on now, is absolutely unjust and only continues to reaffirm my true thoughts on this country- it's pathetic and so are most of it's inhabitants!

You don't want to say it, so I will. I've lost all hope in humanity as I've gotten older as people continue to really showcase their true colors and their 'moral fiber.'

I know there is good and I see it sometimes, but far too often the darkness comes out and it really showcases how people truly are.

For those rioting downtown, they should all be arrested and thrown in a jail cell for a minimum of 6 months, let's teach these low life degenerate scumbags that if you break the law, you will get punished for it! Enough with this protest label, these aren't protests- it's breaking the law! What is going to happen to these store owners? Yeah I know insurance will step in, but this is ridiculous. Cop cars set on fire, news fans having Fuck spray painted all over it, I'd like to line all these people up and throw their asses in jail one by one!

If you don't like this option, truth be told, I could care less. We live in a world full of monsters and degenerates and I've seen that more and more with each passing day! I'm truly fearful of what it's going to be like when my son is older & my future daughter! They will live in a world I'm sure 10x more messed up than this one is currently and that's a scary thought all to itself.

To all the police officers out there, I hope you all stay safe and if need be, use some freaking force. Protect yourself and not these idiots down there. They don't care about you- so why the F should you care about them. Honestly? Why should we? This isn't about spreading a message anymore and the faster people come to that realization- the better off we will all be.

Here's hoping 2021 is a better year, but I know it won't be...

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What a day..

Wow, has it really been since November since I've posted something? Forgive me friends as the holidays took over & my focus was else...